Contracting With AHA

Thank you for your interest in doing business with the Housing Authority of the City of Alameda(AHA). AHA and its affiliates are constantly posting business opportunities (Request for Proposals, Request for Quotes, Invitations for Bids) from qualified, licensed, and insured consultants or companies, which can demonstrate their qualifications, past performance, and interest in AHA’s work.

Prospective vendors and current vendors can routinely check this webpage to review active AHA business opportunities on a variety of projects including Capital Improvement Projects, maintenance services, material suppliers, security, financial auditing, video production, and many more.

AHA welcomes submissions (to AHA Business Opportunities)from a diverse range of companies including small and medium-sized businesses, minority, women, disabled, and/or veteran owned businesses. AHA seeks to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion amongst our vendor base to better reflect and serve our diverse community. So,we highly encourage all types of companies to apply to AHA’s Business Opportunities.

Current AHA Business Opportunities

Currently there are no open procurement opportunities.
Request for Proposals – Civil Engineering Services

Deadline: May 20, 2024

Release Date: April 29, 2024

Questions Due: May 10, 2024

The Housing Authority of the City of Alameda (AHA) is requesting proposals (RFP) from qualified and insured companies to provide Civil Engineering Services for The Poplar project site located at 2615 Eagle Avenue, Alameda, CA 94501. The term “Proposer” used herein shall mean proposers, partnerships, corporations, associations, or professional organizations.

The Contact for this RFP is Jenny Wong, Senior Project Manager, at

Deadline for Submitting Questions: May 10th, 2024, At 4 PM. All questions must be submitted via email to Jenny Wong, Senior Project Manager via Email at, with copy to Sarah Raskin, Housing Development Specialist, at Responses will be posted to this announcement page within three (3) business days.

Deadline for Submitting Proposals: May 20th, 2024, at 4PM. All proposals must be submitted electronically by the due date to Jenny Wong, Senior Project Manager via Email at, with copy to Sarah Raskin, Housing Development Specialist, at Proposers must submit one (1) original electronic proposal via email with the following guidelines: All proposals must be submitted electronically by the designated due date to with a copy to The subject line must denote the following: “CivilRFP_04292024”. The body of the e-mail must have the Proposer’s name and return address. Proposals received after the published deadline will not be accepted.

Request for Proposals – Environmental Consulting Services

Deadline: May 17, 2024

Release Date: April 29, 2024

Questions Due: May 06, 2024

The AHA is soliciting and accepting proposals from qualified, licensed, and insured consultants or companies, demonstrating their qualifications, past performance and interest for Environmental Consulting Services. The term “Proposer” used herein shall mean proposers, partnerships, corporations, associations, or professional organizations.

The Contact for this RFP is Jenny Wong, Senior Project Manager, at

Deadline for Submitting Questions: May 6th, 2024, At 4 PM. All questions must be submitted via email to Jenny Wong, Senior Project Manager via Email at, with copy to Sarah Raskin, Housing Development Specialist, at  Responses to questions will be answered during a live Q&A session on Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at 9:30 AM. The link to the live Q&A session can be found here: Responses will also be posted to this announcement page within three (3) business days.

Deadline for Submitting Proposals: May 21st, 2024, at 4PM. All proposals must be submitted electronically by the due date to Jenny Wong, Senior Project Manager via Email at, with copy to Sarah Raskin, Housing Development Specialist, at Proposers must submit one (1) original electronic proposal via email with the following guidelines: All proposals must be submitted electronically by the designated due date to with a copy to The subject line must denote the following: “EnvRFP_04292024”. The body of the e-mail must have the Proposer’s name and return address. Proposals received after the published deadline will not be accepted.

Invitation to Bid – Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) Consultants

Deadline: April 30, 2024

Release Date: March 06, 2024

Questions Due: April 04, 2024

AHA and its affiliates are seeking to hire a qualified Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) consultant. Priority consideration will be given to those submissions that meet the desired qualifications and are submitted by 5:00 pm on April 11, 2024. Additional submissions from qualified bidders will be accepted after the priority submission deadline and prioritized based on date received until April 30, 2024.

Please complete the below form as part of submission:

Invitation to Bid – Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) Consultants

A qualified consultant will be selected from this solicitation for the current and multiple upcoming projects. AHA and its affiliates have immediate needs for a consultant and will be reviewing the initial submissions immediately following the priority deadline. Execution of the contract(s) and project initiation is expected in early April 2024.

Request for Proposals- Rent Reasonable and Energy Utility Allowance Study

Deadline: April 24, 2024

Release Date: March 27, 2024

Questions Due: April 11, 2024

The Housing Authority of the City of Alameda (AHA) is requesting proposals relating to rent reasonable analysis, studies to support the HUD approval for rent increases, and energy utility allowance study. The AHA is seeking an automated system to perform rent reasonableness determinations in accordance with HUD requirements at 24 CFR 982.507 and a Consultant able to conduct an annual utility allowance, survey/study to determine the appropriate utility allowance for our Housing Choice Voucher Program

Questions Due: Questions will be accepted by email until 4:00 p.m., April 11, 2024. Questions shall be submitted via email to Sean Prevette at with a CC to Roderick Jefferson at The responses will be posted on the webpage within three business days.

Proposals Due: Proposals will be accepted by email until 4:00 p.m., April 24, 2024. Vendors are responsible for ensuring that quotes are received on time. AHA does not afford a Vendor an opportunity for re-submission of their Proposals. Proposals received after the due date and time will be rejected without consideration. Proposals shall be submitted via email to Sean Prevette at with a CC to Roderick Jefferson at


Invitation to Bid- Printing and Mailing Services

Deadline: April 11, 2024

Release Date: March 22, 2024

Questions Due: April 01, 2024

The Housing Authority of the City of Alameda (AHA) is requesting bids relating to local print services on an as-needed basis. AHA outsources some of its professional print services work to vendors selected through a competitive bid process. AHA encourages vendors to be certified by the California Green Business Program as a Green Printer.

The AHA will require the ongoing provision of printed stationery products (e.g., letterhead, envelopes, return envelopes), business cards, and door hangers. Regular and special printing and mailing projects also may be requested.  Issuance of a work order will be required for all such projects.

Questions Due: Questions will be accepted by email until 4:00 p.m., April 1, 2024. Questions shall be submitted via email to Sean Prevette at The responses will be posted on the webpage within three business days.

Bids Due: Bids will be accepted by email until 4:00 p.m., April 11, 2024. Bidders are responsible for ensuring that quotes are received on time. AHA does not afford a bidder an opportunity for re-submission of their bid. Quotes received after the due date and time will be rejected without consideration. Quotes shall be submitted via email to Sean Prevette at

Request for Proposals- Video Production Services

Deadline: April 11, 2024

Release Date: March 25, 2024

Questions Due: April 05, 2024

The Housing Authority of the City of Alameda (AHA) is requesting proposals for the filming, editing, and production of one video.  AHA outsources its professional video production to vendors selected through a competitive bid process.   Proposals must be submitted by April 11th via e-mail to with the subject line “RFP No. AS3-25-2024”. AHA encourages proposals from Minority and Women Business Enterprises.

Questions in regard to the RFP must be submitted in writing to Joshua Altieri, at by Friday, April 5, 2024 at 2:00PM. Responses to questions submitted will be posted here within three business days.

All proposals submitted in response to this solicitation must conform to all of the requirements and specifications outlined within the RFP in its entirety. If you have any questions regarding this process or would like additional information or if you have difficulties downloading the RFP from the AHA website, please contact Joshua Altieri, Community Relations Manager, at or (510)747-4321.

  1. Recruitment Video RFP
  2. Attachment A – Proposal Form 
  3. Exhibit C – Insurance Requirements 

Temporary Recruiter – Affordable Housing

Deadline: March 15, 2024

Release Date: December 18, 2023

Questions Due: January 06, 2023

The Housing Authority of the City of Alameda (AHA) is looking to hire a temporary  part or full-time recruiter to assist the agency with recruitments for  a number of key management level positions.

Ideally, AHA is looking to hire someone directly as a temporary employee. CalPERS rules limit the number of hours that can be worked to 950 hours until June 30, 2024.  These hours may be renew after that date and successful candidates may be extended, subject to project outcomes. CalPERS retirees are welcome to apply, but are also subject to CalPERS limits on post-retirement employment.

To apply, please submit your resume, cover letter and references to Resumes will be reviewed in the order they are received.

Request for Bids- Telephone Answering Services

Deadline: February 23, 2024

Release Date: February 01, 2024

Questions Due: February 08, 2024

The Housing Authority of the City of Alameda (AHA) is requesting bids for telephone answering services for call-ins for employee attendances, call forwarding of absent employees to answering service, short- or long-term answering of any or all agency phones, and after-hours maintenance. Translation services are to be provided by the vendor if needed.

Bids will be accepted by email until 4:00 p.m., February 23, 2024. Bidders are responsible for ensuring that quotes are received on time. AHA does not afford a bidder an opportunity for re-submission of their bid. Quotes received after the due date and time will be rejected without consideration. Quotes may also be submitted via email to Radha Mehta at

Request for Proposals- Housing Choice Voucher Program (HCVP) Consulting Services

Deadline: January 23, 2024

Release Date: December 19, 2023

Questions Due: January 09, 2024

The Housing Authority of the City of Alameda (AHA) is requesting proposals from Housing Choice Voucher Program consultants. It is the intention of AHA to enter into an agreement with a qualified consultant or firm to provide as needed services for a wide range of public housing agency services.

Proposals must be submitted via e-mail to and a backup to with the subject line “RFP No. AS12-19-2023”. AHA encourages proposals from Minority and Women Business Enterprises.

Addendum #1 has been added to extend the deadline for Questions and Proposals. Questions in regard to the RFP must be submitted in writing to Radha Mehta, at by Tuesday, January 9, 2024 at 4:00PM. Responses to questions submitted will be posted here within three business days.

Addendum #2 has been added to replace Attachment B- Form of Proposal in the RFP.

All proposals submitted in response to this solicitation must conform to all of the requirements and specifications outlined within the RFP in its entirety. If you have any questions regarding this process or would like additional information or if you have difficulties downloading the RFP from the AHA website, please contact Radha Mehta, Management Analyst, at or (510)747-4318.

Request For Proposals – Anne B. Diament Plaza Exterior Balcony Repairs

Deadline: January 10, 2024

Release Date: November 20, 2023

Questions Due: December 15, 2023

Request for Information Published 12/19/2023

The AHA is soliciting and accepting proposals from qualified, licensed, and insured consultants or companies, demonstrating their qualifications, past performance and interest for this work. The term “Proposer” used herein shall mean proposers, partnerships, corporations, associations, or professional organizations.

The Contact for this RFP is Joseph Nagel, Construction Project Manager, at 

Date of Mandatory Bid Walk: December 5th, 2023, at 1 PM , At Anne B. Diament, 920 Park St., Alameda Ca, 94501. Please RSVP with Joseph Nagel, Construction Project Manager via Email at, no later than December 4th by 4PM.

Deadline for Submitting Questions: December 5th, 2023, At 4 PM. All questions must be submitted via email to Joseph Nagel, Construction Project Manager via Email at, with copy to Sarah Raskin, Housing Development Specialist, at  Responses to questions will be posted to this announcement page within 3 business days of the deadline.

Deadline for Submitting Proposals: January 10, 2023, at 4PM. All proposals must be submitted electronically by the due date to Joseph Nagel, Construction Project Manager at, with copy to Sarah Raskin, Housing Development Specialist, at


Deadline: January 08, 2024

Release Date: December 05, 2023

Questions Due: December 15, 2023

Request for Information Published 12/19/2023

The AHA is soliciting and accepting proposals from qualified, licensed, and insured consultants or companies, demonstrating their qualifications, past performance and interest for this work. The term “Proposer” used herein shall mean proposers, partnerships, corporations, associations, or professional organizations.

The Contact for this RFP is Joseph Nagel, Construction Project Manager, at , 510-747-4340 

Deadline for Submitting Questions: December 15th, 2023, At 4 PM. All questions must be submitted via email to Joseph Nagel, Construction Project Manager via Email at, with copy to Sarah Raskin, Housing Development Specialist, at  Responses to questions will be posted to this announcement page within 3 business days of the deadline.

Deadline for Submitting Proposals: January 8, 2024, at 4PM. All proposals must be submitted electronically by the due date to Joseph Nagel, Construction Project Manager at, with copy to Sarah Raskin, Housing Development Specialist, at


Request for Proposals for As-Needed Financial and Accounting Services

Deadline: December 21, 2023

Release Date: November 30, 2023

Questions Due: December 08, 2023

The Housing Authority of the City of Alameda (AHA) is requesting proposals from accounting and financial consultants. It is the intention of AHA to enter into an agreement with a qualified fee accountant, consultant or firm to provide as needed services for a wide range of accounting and finance services for AHA.

Proposals must be submitted via e-mail to and a backup to with the subject line “RFP No. AS11-30-2023”. AHA encourages proposals from Minority and Women Business Enterprises.

Questions in regard to the RFP must be submitted in writing to Radha Mehta, at by Friday, December 8, 2023 at 4:00PM. Responses to questions submitted will be posted here within three business days.

All proposals submitted in response to this solicitation must conform to all of the requirements and specifications outlined within the RFP in its entirety. If you have any questions regarding this process or would like additional information or if you have difficulties downloading the RFP from the AHA website, please contact Radha Mehta, Management Analyst, at or (510)747-4318.


Deadline: December 20, 2023

Release Date: December 19, 2023


The Housing Authority of the City of Alameda (AHA) is requesting bids for routine landscaping maintenance services for various properties.

Bids will be accepted by email until 4:00 p.m., December 20, 2023. Bidders are responsible for ensuring that quotes are received on time. AHA does not afford a bidder an opportunity for re-submission of their bid. Quotes received after the due date and time will be rejected without consideration. Quotes may also be submitted via email to Radha Mehta at

Request for Bids – Capital Needs Assessment

Deadline: November 17, 2023

Release Date: October 05, 2023

Questions Due: October 19, 2023

Request for Information Q&A Responses Published 10/31/2023

Update to final deadline previously November 10th: New deadline to submit bids is November 17,2023  

The Housing Authority of the City of Alameda (AHA) and its affiliates are seeking bids from qualified capital needs assessors to complete a U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) Capital Needs Assessment (CNA) e-tool V.3.1. The initial site is a non-HUD financed 186-unit senior building on approximately 7 acres located in the City of Alameda. A list of qualified consultants will be created from this solicitation for the current and any upcoming projects. AHA and its affiliates have immediate needs for consultants and will be reviewing the initial submissions immediately following the priority deadline. Execution of the contract (s) and project initiation is expected in late November 2023.

The contact for this Bid Request is Paris Howze, Project Manager,, 510-747-4368.

Deadline to submit questions is October 19th, 2023, by 5PM.  All questions must be submitted in writing via email to Paris Howze, Project Manager, at with a Copy to Sarah Raskin, Housing Development Specialist, at

Priority consideration will be given to those submissions that meet desired qualifications that are submitted by 5:00 p.m. on November 6, 2023. Additional submissions from qualified bidders will be accepted after the priority submission deadline and prioritized based on date received until November 17, 2023. Quotes may be submitted via email with all required documents to Paris Howze at with a copy to Sarah Raskin at

RFQ for LIHTC and Real Estate Legal Services

Deadline: November 13, 2023

Release Date: October 23, 2023

Questions Due: November 01, 2023

The Housing Authority of the City of Alameda, along with its partner agencies, the Alameda Affordable Housing Corporation and Island City Development (collectively, “AHA”), are seeking qualified attorneys and law firms with tax credit expertise to provide professional legal services related to affordable housing development. Contracts from this Request may be with any of the AHA entities or their affiliates. AHA has the opportunity to develop new affordable housing units in multiple locations in the City of Alameda over the next five years and also owns a number of multi-family residential properties that will require substantial rehabilitation. AHA will seek to identify different sources of funding to acquire, construct, rehabilitate, refinance or modernize these residential complexes.

The contact for this RFQ is Sylvia Martinez, Director of Housing Development,

Questions and Clarifications must be submitted via email no later than November 1, 2023, 3PM PST. Submissions via email are to be sent to Sylvia Martinez, Director of Housing Development at, with a copy to Sarah Raskin, Housing Development Specialist at Subject of the email should be labeled: “RFI for Legal RFQ by [offeror firm’s name]”

Submission of Proposals are due no later than November 13, 2023, 3PM PST via email to Sylvia Martinez, Director of Housing Development at, with a copy to Sarah Raskin, Housing Development Specialist at Subject of the email should be labeled: “Response to Legal RFQ by [offeror firm’s name]”.

Request For Proposals – China Clipper Apartments Electrical Upgrade Renovation Work

Deadline: October 16, 2023

Release Date: September 12, 2023

Questions Due: October 02, 2023

The AHA is soliciting and accepting proposals from qualified, licensed, and insured consultants or companies, demonstrating their qualifications, past performance and interest for this work. The term “Proposer” used herein shall mean proposers, partnerships, corporations, associations, or professional organizations.

The Contact for this RFP is Joseph Nagel, Construction Project Manager, at 

Date of Mandatory Bid Walk: September 26, 2023, at 1 PM , At China Clipper Apartments, 460 Buena Vista Ave., Alameda Ca, 94501. Please RSVP with Joseph Nagel, Construction Project Manager via Email at, no later than September 25th by 4PM.

Deadline for Submitting Questions: October 2, 2023, At 4 PM. All questions must be submitted via email to Joseph Nagel, Construction Project Manager via Email at, with copy to Sarah Raskin, Housing Development Specialist, at  Responses to questions will be posted to this announcement page within 3 business days of the deadline.

Deadline for Submitting Proposals: October 16, 2023, at 4PM. All proposals must be submitted electronically by the due date to Joseph Nagel, Construction Project Manager at, with copy to Sarah Raskin, Housing Development Specialist, at

Request for Proposals – Guardrail and Stair Handrail Renovation Work

Deadline: September 29, 2023

Release Date: August 28, 2023

Questions Due: September 15, 2023

The AHA is soliciting and accepting proposals from qualified, licensed, and insured consultants or companies, demonstrating their qualifications, past performance and interest for this work. The term “Proposer” used herein shall mean proposers, partnerships, corporations, associations, or professional organizations.

The Contact for this RFP is Joseph Nagel, Construction Project Manager, at 510-747-4340, or

Date of Bid Walk: September 12, 2023, at 1 PM, At 1901 3rd Street, Alameda Ca, 94501. Please RSVP with Joseph Nagel, Construction Project Manager via Email at, no later than September 11th 4PM.

Deadline for Submitting Questions: September 15, 2023, At 4 PM. All questions must be submitted via email to Joseph Nagel, Construction Project Manager, via Email at, with copy to Sarah Raskin, Housing Development Specialist, at  Responses to questions will be posted to this announcement page within 3 business days of the deadline.

Deadline for Submitting Proposals: September 29, 2023, at 4PM. All proposals must be submitted electronically by the due date to Joseph Nagel, Construction Project Manager, at, with copy to Sarah Raskin, Housing Development Specialist, at Subject line must contain [PMRFP08282023 – company name].

RFP- Relocation Services

Deadline: September 28, 2023

Release Date: August 21, 2023

Questions Due: September 08, 2023

The Housing Authority of the City of Alameda (AHA) is requesting proposals from relocation services consultants. AHA is seeking an experienced and engaging consultant to serve as Relocation Specialist and/or Move Coordinator to assist AHA and Property Managers of a Senior Apartment Complex and additional properties within the AHA property portfolio. The qualified consultant(s) will assist in providing necessary and required relocation assistance to impacted tenants and households.

Proposals must be submitted via e-mail to and a backup to with the subject line “RFP No. AS08-21-2023”. AHA encourages proposals from Minority and Women Business Enterprises.

Questions in regard to the RFP must be submitted in writing to Radha Mehta, at by Friday, September 8, 2023 at 4:00PM. Responses to questions submitted will be posted here within three business days.

All proposals submitted in response to this solicitation must conform to all of the requirements and specifications outlined within the RFP in its entirety. If you have any questions regarding this process or would like additional information or if you have difficulties downloading the RFP from the AHA website, please contact Radha Mehta, Management Analyst, at or (510)747-4318.

Request for Bids – HVAC Services

Deadline: September 28, 2023

Release Date: September 19, 2023


The Housing Authority of the City of Alameda (AHA) is requesting bids for monthly preventative maintenance related to HVAC systems.  Bids will be accepted by email until 4:00 p.m., September 28, 2023. Bidders are responsible for ensuring that quotes are received on time. AHA does not afford a bidder an opportunity for re-submission of their bid. Quotes received after the due date and time will be rejected without consideration. Quotes may also be submitted via email to Radha Mehta at


Deadline: September 19, 2023

Release Date: August 17, 2023

Questions Due: September 05, 2023

The AHA is soliciting and accepting proposals from qualified, licensed, and insured consultants or companies, demonstrating their qualifications, past performance and interest for this work. The term “Proposer” used herein shall mean proposers, partnerships, corporations, associations, or professional organizations.

The Contact for this RFP is Joseph Nagel, Construction Project Manager, at

Date of Mandatory Bid Walk: August 29, 2023, at 1:00 PM (Noon), at Parrott Gardens, 1850 St. Charles Street, Alameda Ca, 94501. Please RSVP with Joseph Nagel, Construction Project Manager via Email at, no later than August 28th 4PM.

Deadline for Submitting Questions: September 5, 2023, At 4 PM. All questions must be submitted via email to Joseph Nagel, Construction Project Manager via Email at, with copy to Sarah Raskin, Housing Development Specialist, at Responses to questions will be posted to this announcement page within 3 business days of the deadline.

Deadline for Submitting Proposals: September 19, 2023, at 4PM. All proposals must be submitted electronically by the due date to Joseph Nagel, Construction Project Manager at, with copy to Sarah Raskin, Housing Development Specialist, at Subject line must include [PMRFP08172023_submitters name].

RFP – Eagle Village Siding Repairs and/or Building Paint

Deadline: September 08, 2023

Release Date: August 07, 2023

Questions Due: August 25, 2023

Request for Information (RFI) Published August 31, 2023.

Notice of Intent to Award Published December 18, 2023.

The AHA is soliciting and accepting proposals from qualified, licensed, and insured consultants or companies, demonstrating their qualifications, past performance and interest for this work. The term “Proposer” used herein shall mean proposers, partnerships, corporations, associations, or professional organizations.

The Contact for this RFP is Joseph Nagel, Construction Project Manager, at 

Date of Bid Walk: August 17, 2023, at 1:30 PM (Noon), At Eagle Village, 737 Eagle Avenue, Alameda Ca, 94501. Please RSVP with Joseph Nagel, Construction Project Manager via Email at, no later than August 16th 4PM.

Deadline for Submitting Questions: August 25, 2023, At 4 PM. All questions must be submitted via email to Joseph Nagel, Construction Project Manager via Email at, with copy to Sarah Raskin, Housing Development Specialist, at  Responses to questions will be posted to this announcement page within 3 business days of the deadline.

Deadline for Submitting Proposals: September 8, 2023, at 4PM. All proposals must be submitted electronically by the due date to Joseph Nagel, Construction Project Manager at, with copy to Sarah Raskin, Housing Development Specialist, at

RFP – Parrott Village Siding Repairs and/or Building Paint

Deadline: September 08, 2023

Release Date: August 07, 2023

Questions Due: August 25, 2023

Requests for Information (RFI) published 8/31/2023

Notice of Intent to Award for exterior painting only published 11/06/2023.

The AHA is soliciting and accepting proposals from qualified, licensed, and insured consultants or companies, demonstrating their qualifications, past performance and interest for this work. The term “Proposer” used herein shall mean proposers, partnerships, corporations, associations, or professional organizations.

The Contact for this RFP is Joseph Nagel, Construction Project Manager, at 

Date of Bid Walk: August 17, 2023, at 12 PM (Noon), At Parrott Village, 1877 St. Charles Ave., Alameda Ca, 94501. Please RSVP with Joseph Nagel, Construction Project Manager via Email at, no later than August 16th 4PM.

Deadline for Submitting Questions: August 25, 2023, At 4 PM. All questions must be submitted via email to Joseph Nagel, Construction Project Manager via Email at, with copy to Sarah Raskin, Housing Development Specialist, at  Responses to questions will be posted to this announcement page within 3 business days of the deadline.

Deadline for Submitting Proposals: September 8, 2023, at 4PM. All proposals must be submitted electronically by the due date to Joseph Nagel, Construction Project Manager at, with copy to Sarah Raskin, Housing Development Specialist, at

RFP – Temporary Agency Support Services

Deadline: September 01, 2023

Release Date: July 18, 2023

Questions Due: August 02, 2023

Published July 18 , 2023

The Housing Authority of the City of Alameda (AHA) is requesting proposals (RFP) from qualified firms to provide temporary agency staffing support services necessary for the operation of the agency, especially those with a Section 8 program. Proposals must be submitted via e-mail to, cc: with the subject line “RFP AS 07-18-2023”.

The AHA will accept proposals through 4:00 pm (PST), September 1, 2023.

This RFP may be viewed and downloaded from the AHA’s website at: All proposals submitted in response to this solicitation must conform to all of the requirements and specifications outlined within the RFP in its entirety. If you have any questions regarding this process or would like additional information or if you have difficulties downloading the RFP from the AHA website, please contact Alicia Southern, HR Manager at

RFP- Strategic Planning

Deadline: August 25, 2023

Release Date: July 14, 2023

Questions Due: July 27, 2023

The Housing Authority of the City of Alameda (AHA) is requesting proposals from strategic planning consultants. AHA is seeking an experienced and engaging consultant to facilitate the creation of a strategic plan. The qualified consultant will need to provide essential elements to design, develop, and implement a multi-faceted process for developing a five year strategic plan.

Proposals must be submitted via e-mail to and a backup to with the subject line “RFP No. AS07-14-2023”. AHA encourages proposals from Minority and Women Business Enterprises.

Questions in regard to the RFP must be submitted in writing to Radha Mehta, at by Thursday, July 27, 2023 at 4:00PM. Responses to questions submitted will be posted here within three business days.

All proposals submitted in response to this solicitation must conform to all of the requirements and specifications outlined within the RFP in its entirety. If you have any questions regarding this process or would like additional information or if you have difficulties downloading the RFP from the AHA website, please contact Radha Mehta, Management Analyst, at or (510)747-4318.

RFP – Legal Services

Deadline: August 03, 2023

Release Date: June 21, 2023

Questions Due: July 10, 2023

Published June 21, 2023

Housing Authority of the City of Alameda (AHA) is requesting proposals from qualified legal firms to provide services in human resources legal matters. AHA is looking for firm(s) with experience in the following areas of legal services: public sector legal matters involving labor/employee relations, benefits, investigations, and other employment-related issues; administrative hearing law requirements for employment; general areas of employment law; employment as it relates to federal contracts; and public agency employment procedures and law. AHA intends to award a contract to a qualified attorney(s) or firm(s) to provide day-to-day HR-related legal services necessary for the operation of the agency.

Proposals must be submitted via e-mail, by August 3, 2023, to  and a backup to with the subject line “RFP AS 06-21-2023”. The AHA encourages proposals from Minority and Women Business Enterprises.

Questions in regard to the RFP must be submitted in writing to Alicia Southern, at, cc:, by Monday, July 10, 2023 at 4:00PM. Responses to questions submitted will be posted here within three business days.

All proposals submitted in response to this solicitation must conform to all of the requirements and specifications outlined within the RFP in its entirety. If you have any questions regarding this process or would like additional information or if you have difficulties downloading the RFP from the AHA website, please contact Alicia Southern, HR Manager, at or (510)747-4351.

RFP- Legal Services

Deadline: May 26, 2023

Release Date: April 03, 2023

Questions Due: April 21, 2023

The Housing Authority of the City of Alameda (AHA) is requesting proposals from qualified legal firms to provide services in all legal matters. AHA is looking for firm(s) with experience in the following areas of legal services: housing development and management; real property laws and codes, and federal subsidy programs (i.e. public housing and voucher programs- mainly the Housing Choice and Project-Based vouchers). AHA intends to award a contract to a qualified attorney(s) or firm(s) to provide day-to-day legal services necessary for the operation of the agency.

Proposals must be submitted via e-mail to and a backup to with the subject line “RFP No. AS04-03-2023”. The AHA encourages proposals from Minority and Women Business Enterprises.

Questions in regard to the RFP must be submitted in writing to Radha Mehta, at by Friday, April 21, 2023 at 4:00PM. Responses to questions submitted will be posted here within three business days.

All proposals submitted in response to this solicitation must conform to all of the requirements and specifications outlined within the RFP in its entirety. If you have any questions regarding this process or would like additional information or if you have difficulties downloading the RFP from the AHA website, please contact Radha Mehta, Management Analyst, at or (510)747-4318.


Request for Bids for Prevailing Wage Labor Compliance Monitoring Services

Deadline: May 25, 2023

Release Date: May 11, 2023


AHA and its affiliates are seeking bids to monitor projects and improvements on property that are subject to federal, state, and local prevailing wage and workforce requirements. AHA and its affiliates are seeking bids from qualified firm(s) for prevailing wage labor compliance monitor services. AHA and its affiliates are seeking to execute an agreement for each entity.

Priority consideration will be given to those submissions that meet the desired qualifications and are submitted by 4:00 pm on May 25, 2023. Additional submissions from qualified bidders will be accepted after the priority submission deadline and prioritized based on date received until May 31, 2023.  A list of qualified consultants will be created from this solicitation for the current and multiple upcoming projects. AHA and its affiliates have immediate needs for consultants and will be reviewing the initial submissions immediately following the priority deadline. Execution of the contract(s) and project initiation is expected no sooner than June 2023. For more information about AHA and upcoming projects visit

Please return all requested attachments to Tony Weng at and CC Joseph Nagel at  . Questions should be directed to Tony Weng.

RFP- Technology Consulting Services

Deadline: March 31, 2023

Release Date: February 13, 2023

Questions Due: March 03, 2023

The Housing Authority of the City of Alameda (AHA) is requesting proposals (RFP) from qualified firms to provide Technology Consulting Services.  Proposals must be submitted via e-mail to and a backup to with the subject line “RFP No. AS02-13-2023”.  The AHA encourages proposals from Minority and Women Business Enterprises.

Questions in regard to the RFP must be submitted in writing to Radha Mehta, at by Friday, March 3, 2023 at 4:00PM. Responses to questions submitted will be posted here within three business days.

Please see Addendum # 1- AHA will accept proposals through 4:00PM, March 31, 2023.

All proposals submitted in response to this solicitation must conform to all of the requirements and specifications outlined within the RFP in its entirety. If you have any questions regarding this process or would like additional information or if you have difficulties downloading the RFP from the AHA website, please contact Radha Mehta, Management Analyst, at or (510)747-4318.

RFQ – Architectural Services

Deadline: March 09, 2023

Release Date: September 21, 2022


Notice of Intent to Award Contract:

Per the Request for Qualifications for Architectural Services, RFQ 09192022 Scope #1, 701 Atlantic Ave. Office and Maintenance Garage Conversion, published September 19, 2022, the Housing Authority of City of Alameda (AHA) intends to enter into contract negotiations with the following top-ranked proposer: Garavaglia Architecture.

Per the Request for Qualifications for Architectural Services, RFQ 09192022 Scope #2, 1628 Webster Street Hotel Conversion, published September 19, 2022, the Housing Authority of City of Alameda (AHA) intends to enter into contract negotiations with the following top-ranked proposer: Garavaglia Architecture.

Protests must be submitted in writing and received by AHA within three (3) days of issuance of the notice, March 9, 2023. The protest must state the basis for the objection and include sufficient detail to evaluate the merits of the protest. Protests must be emailed to Vanessa Cooper at Failure to lodge a written protest in accordance with these procedures will constitute the Respondent’s waiver of any legal right to challenge the protest in a court of law.


RFQ Published September 2022 and closed November 2022

The AHA is soliciting and accepting proposals from qualified, licensed, and insured consultants or companies, demonstrating their qualifications, past performance and interest for this work, to create a pool of one or more qualified consultants. Experience working with affordable housing funding sources and requirements is preferred. The term “Proposer” used herein shall mean proposers, partnerships, corporations, associations, or professional organizations.

There will be an optional bid walk Friday, October 7th, 2022 at 1:00PM. RSVP for the walk should be made to Joseph Nagel, Construction Project Manager, at by October 6th, 2022 4:00PM.

Questions in regard to the RFQ must be submitted in writing to Joseph Nagel, Construction Project Manager, at by Friday, October 21, 2022 at 4:00PM. Responses to questions submitted will be posted here within three business days.

Proposal submissions are due by Monday, November 14th, 2022 at 4:00PM to Joseph Nagel, Construction Project Manager, at with a copy to Sylvia Martinez, Director of Housing Development, at

Request for Bids for Affordable Housing Consultants

Deadline: February 28, 2023

Release Date: February 22, 2023

Questions Due: March 31, 2023

Request for bids for Affordable Housing Consultants

AHA and its affiliates are seeking bids from qualified housing development and asset
management consultants. Priority consideration will be given to those submissions that meet
the desired qualifications and are submitted by 3:00 pm on February 28, 2023. Additional
submissions from qualified bidders will be accepted after the priority submission deadline and
prioritized based on date received until March 31, 2023.

A list of qualified consultants will be created from this solicitation for the current and multiple upcoming projects. AHA and its
affiliates have immediate needs for consultants and will be reviewing the initial submissions immediately following the priority deadline. Execution of the contract(s) and project initiation is expected in early March 2023. For more information about AHA and upcoming projects visit

Please return this form via email with all attachments to Jocelyn Layte and cc Sylvia Martinez – . Questions
should be directed to Sylvia Martinez –

RFP – PHA Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Consulting Services

Deadline: October 14, 2022

Release Date: August 22, 2022


The Housing Authority of the City of Alameda (AHA) is requesting proposals (RFP) from qualified firms to provide PHA Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Consulting Services.  Proposals must be submitted via e-mail to and a backup to with the subject line “RFP No. PHADEI09012022”.  The AHA encourages proposals from Minority and Women Business Enterprises.

The AHA will accept proposals through 4:00 pm, October 14, 2022.

All proposals submitted in response to this solicitation must conform to all of the requirements and specifications outlined within the RFP in its entirety. If you have any questions regarding this process or would like additional information or if you have difficulties downloading the RFP from the AHA website, please contact Sean Prevette, Administrative Manager, at or (510)747-4305.

RFP – Employee Benefits Program

Deadline: October 06, 2022

Release Date: August 22, 2022

Questions Due: September 19, 2022

The Housing Authority of the City of Alameda (AHA) is requesting proposals (RFP) from qualified firms to provide consulting advice on employee benefit plan issues and assist the Executive Director and the Human Resources Department in obtaining and evaluating competitive bids from various providers for all coverage with the exception of health insurance and 457/Roth plans. Proposals must be submitted via e-mail to, cc: with the subject line “Benefits0822”.  The AHA will accept proposals through 4:00 pm (PST), October 6, 2022.

All questions must be submitted via email to Alicia Southern, at, cc:  by September 19, 2022 at 4:00 pm (PST).

All proposals submitted in response to this solicitation must conform to all of the requirements and specifications outlined within the RFP in its entirety. If you have difficulties downloading the RFP from the AHA website, please contact Alicia Southern, Human Resources Manager, at or (510)747-4351.

RFQ – Third Party Property Management

Deadline: September 19, 2022

Release Date: August 22, 2022


The Housing Authority of the City of Alameda (AHA) is requesting qualifications (RFQ) from qualified firms to provide Property Management Services for our entire portfolio. Proposals must be submitted via e-mail to Jack Geary with the subject line “RFQ No. PMPP080182022”.  The AHA encourages proposals from Minority and Women Business Enterprises.

The AHA will accept proposals through 5:00 pm, September 19, 2022.

All proposals submitted in response to this solicitation must conform to all of the requirements and specifications outlined within the RFQ in its entirety. If you have any questions regarding this process or would like additional information or if you have difficulties downloading the RFQ from the AHA website, please contact Jack Geary

Temporary Recruiter – Affordable Housing


Release Date: December 18, 2023


The Housing Authority of the City of Alameda (AHA) is looking to hire a temporary  part or full-time recruiter to assist the agency with recruitments for  a number of key management level positions.

Ideally, AHA is looking to hire someone directly as a temporary employee. CalPERS rules limit the number of hours that can be worked to 950 hours until June 30, 2024.  These hours may be renew after that date and successful candidates may be extended, subject to project outcomes. CalPERS retirees are welcome to apply, but are also subject to CalPERS limits on post-retirement employment.

To apply, please submit your resume, cover letter and references to Resumes will be reviewed in the order they are received.

Please direct your questions related to any of the business opportunities listed above to the specific AHA Staff member listed in the documentation.

Do you want to be notified of future AHA Business Opportunities?

Annual Vendor Newsletter

To keep current AHA vendors informed on updates to business practices and other valuable information, AHA distributes an annual vendor newsletter in the fourth quarter of every year. To review the 2023 vendor newsletter, please click here.

Confidentiality Agreement

All current vendors are required to complete the confidentiality agreement, if the vendor has any AHA Personally Identifiable Information (PII) or other confidential information. To complete, the confidentiality agreement, please click here.

Conflict of Interest

All vendors and potential vendors are required to have a Conflict-of-Interest form on file with AHA. This form must be updated annually. Please complete the online Conflict-of-Interest form which can be found here. For more information, please contact Sean Prevette at or (510) 747-4305.

Insurance Requirements

All vendors are required to have current insurance certificates on file with AHA before completing any contracted work. Updated certificates must be provided to the assigned AHA project manager before the certificate expiration date. For more information, please contact Sean Prevette at or (510) 747-4305.

Invoice Processing and Questions

Vendors may reach out to with questions related to AHA payment processing. For invoices, involving AHA’s property management company, (FPI Management), please email

Standard Consultant Contract (Sample)

New and existing vendors can review an AHA sample maintenance services agreement and AHA sample consultant services agreement.

Electronic Funds Transfer

Existing and new AHA vendors must sign-up for payments via Electronic Funds Transfer. Vendors must complete and submit this electronic funds transfer ECH form. Additionally, to request access to AHA’s VendorCafe web platform, please reach out to AHA’s finance team at

Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement

For governmental agencies wishing to piggy back on AHA’s procurement processes for a specific vendor, please read and review this agreement before contacting the procurement team.

The Housing Authority of the City of Alameda’s main office (at 701 Atlantic Avenue) will be open from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm, from July 1st through July 3rd, and will be closed all day on Independence Day (July 4th) and closed to the public all day on July 5th (per our regular schedule).