Littlejohn Commons

Picture of Littlejohn Commons

Littlejohn Commons, located at 1301 Buena Vista Avenue, is named after Elector Littlejohn, a well-known housing justice activist in Alameda. The three-story mixed-unit apartment complex is one block from Jean Sweeney Open Space Park and four blocks from the Mastick Senior Center. Littlejohn residents fall within the 30% to 60% Area Median Income (AMI) range in Alameda County. Littlejohn’s location is transit-oriented and displays green building design and construction techniques that offset 75% of common area energy usage. Nearby bus route includes 51A, provided by AC Transit.

Questions about this complex and leasing should be directed to the Property Manager, which can be reached at (510) 239-4030 or send email to

The Housing Authority of the City of Alameda’s main office (at 701 Atlantic Avenue) will be open from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm, from July 1st through July 3rd, and will be closed all day on Independence Day (July 4th) and closed to the public all day on July 5th (per our regular schedule).