Questions About Subsidy Payments?

Housing Choice Voucher holders pay a percentage of their monthly income toward rent (the tenant portion), then the Housing Authority pays the difference (between the tenant portion and the contract rent due to the landlord).

Landlords have protection because if the tenant’s monthly income decreases the Housing Authority increases their portion of the rental payment when the contract rent due is below the AHA’s Payment Standards. The landlord has increased probability to receive the full rental amount due for rents under the payment standard. AHA’s goal is that landlords always continue to get paid, within the regulations of the program, and the unit stays affordable to the tenant.

A common question is if tenants can pay the difference when an owner goes over the payment standard on a renewal is that unlimited? Simply put, a determination will be made by the Housing Programs Department on the reasonableness of the increase over payment standard. There are many factors that dictate if a rent overpayment standard is reasonable. For example comparable rental properties, and income of renter. Long story short, rent over payment standard is very infrequent.

Payment Standards

Payment Standards is the maximum rent AHA may pay for each tenant. Payment standards are set in accordance with regulation based on the area’s Fair Market Rents.

If the gross rent (owner rent or unit plus an allowance for tenant-paid utilities) for a unit is below the listed payment standard, then the unit will be affordable to move-in for the tenant.

If a landlord’s rent is above the payment standard, AHA staff will have to determine affordability at move-in only for the tenant. Once a family completes the first year of tenancy, a rent increase can be requested. The AHA will look only at whether the rent requested is reasonable. There is not a second affordability test; however, if the owner goes over the payment standard, the family will be responsible for that amount –no matter what income the family has.

Payment Standards

To review Payment Standards, please click here:

Utility Allowances

A utility allowance allows AHA to factor into the rent any utilities for which the tenant must pay. This utility allowance is added to the rent of the unit requested by the landlord to calculate the gross rent for the unit, this amount is used in an affordability calculation at move-in and during the tenancy of the participant in the unit.

Process for Request for Tenancy Approval (RFTA)

When a landlord has decided to rent to a Housing Choice Voucher household, the landlord must complete and submit a Request for Tenancy Approval. This form can be obtained from the prospective tenant.

Follow the instructions.

Follow the instructions of the cover sheet.

Ensure RFTA is completed and signed.

Ensure the RFTA is completed with tenant and landlord signatures (and please include phone numbers).  The signatures confirm the required certifications by both the landlord and participant.

Include the lease agreement.

An un-signed lease agreement must be submitted with the RFTA to AHA for review.

AHA has 3-Days to review your RFTA and lease.

Once the completed RFTA is received by AHA, AHA has three business days to determine ownership, affordability, rent reasonableness and that the un-signed lease is in accordance with HUD regulations.

Be available for possible needed follow-up.

If there are any issues, AHA will follow-up with a phone call to address the concerns.

Approval is not the last step!

Once the RFTA is approved, a unit inspection is requested.

Direct Deposit for Landlords is available

The Housing Authority prefers to pay landlords by way of direct deposit. Current landlords with the program can log into Rent Café and complete the steps to set-up direct deposit (EFT) payments. New landlords to the program, can fill out the Direct Deposit Authorization form and submit to:

Ronaldo Babiera

Assistant Director of Housing Programs

**Please enclose a voided check with this form or it may delay payment processing.

More Questions?

For further questions, please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions for landlords.

Rent Increases

Dear Distinguished Landlord,

On January 1, 2020, Assembly Bill No. 1482 (Bill), also known as the Tenant Protection Act of 2019, went into effect and imposed caps on contract rent increases for properties within the State of California that are not exempted by the Bill (link to Assembly Bill No. 1482:

Interpretation of Bill

On February 11, 2020, the Legislative Counsel Bureau provided a position statement to all Public Housing Authorities (PHAs) which stated that both Project-Based Voucher (PBV) and Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) units were exempted from this Bill. Therefore, PHAs in the State of California did not enforce this Bill and impose caps on contract rent increases.

However, on June 29, 2023, all PHAs within the State of California were informed by Attorney General Rob Bonta that while PBV units are exempt, HCV units that are not subject to a regulatory agreement with a government agency are not exempted from this Bill since HCV units are not restricted as affordable units (link to the Attorney General’s website:

The Housing Authority of the City of Alameda (AHA) reached out to its legal counsel to review and provide a legal opinion, reached out to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Field Office to understand HUD’s position on the matter, and continued to deliberate its options and understand its ability to enforce the Bill.

Finally, on February 9, 2024, the AHA along with other PHAs in California received a letter from HUD Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Monocchio in which HUD agreed with the Attorney General that HCV units not subject to a regulatory agreement with a government agency are not automatically excluded from the Bill due to the nature of the HCV program. The letter from HUD advises PHAs to implement this Bill and alert HCV owners when a rent increase is received that violates the Bill’s requirements.

Impact on Rent Increases

As such, the AHA is reaching out to you to inform you that effective March 1, 2024, all contract rent increases for Housing Choice Voucher units not subject to a regulatory agreement with a government agency will need to be in compliance with Assembly Bill No. 1482. If the AHA receives a contract rent increase for a Housing Choice Voucher unit not subject to a regulatory agreement with a government agency that violates the rent control requirements of Assembly Bill No. 1482, the AHA will alert you of the violation and provide an explanation of the applicability of Assembly Bill No. 1482 so that you may revise your contract rent increase request to be in compliance. Please note that this is in addition to the current rent reasonableness requirement.

In short this means the Housing Authority will reject contract rent increases for private market landlords that exceed the current maximum under AB1482. The current maximum is 9.2% but please note this maximum allowed amount changes regularly. If you are a member of California Apartment Association, you can calculate the maximum allowable contract rent increase here:

Who to Contact

If you have a rent change notice pending or coming up, please contact Iyana Barnes via email at

To submit future tent change requests please do this here: .

If you have any questions about the application of Assembly Bill No. 1482 itself, please contact the Attorney General’s Office (link to the Attorney General’s contact information:  As this is not just a requirement for the HCV program, you may want to review the bill to ensure your compliance with your other units.  As an aside, there are other provisions of the bill that you may want to review such as ones affecting evictions. 

Please note that in the City of Alameda, the Alameda Rent Program also has rules that apply to rental housing

We appreciate your cooperation and continued participation in the Housing Choice Voucher program.

Thank you,

Vanessa Cooper

Executive Director


The housing wait list application period is now closed.   The Housing Authority of the City of Alameda will not be able to return phone calls or emails related to housing wait list status.  Wait list applicants will be notified of their status no earlier than April 2025.

At this time, the Housing Authority of the City of Alameda (AHA) cannot provide any information on the potential impacts of the pause in Federal Financial Assistance and AHA is unable respond to calls and/or emails on this topic. We will post updates at when AHA has more information available. Thank you for your patience.

El período de solicitud de lista de espera de vivienda ya está cerrado.   La Autoridad de Vivienda de la Ciudad de Alameda no podrá devolver llamadas telefónicas ni correos electrónicos relacionados con el estado de la lista de espera de vivienda.  Los solicitantes en la lista de espera serán notificados de su estado despues antes de April de 2025.

En este momento, la Autoridad de Vivienda de la Ciudad de Alameda (AHA) no puede proporcionar ninguna información sobre los posibles impactos de la pausa en la Asistencia Financiera Federal y la AHA no puede responder a llamadas y/o correos electrónicos sobre este tema. Publicaremos actualizaciones en cuando la AHA tenga más información disponible. Gracias por tu paciencia.

Ang panahon ng aplikasyon sa listahan ng paghihintay sa pabahay ay sarado na ngayon.   Ang Housing Authority ng Lungsod ng Alameda ay hindi makakapagbalik ng mga tawag sa telepono o mga email na may kaugnayan sa status ng waiting list ng pabahay.  Ang mga aplikante sa wait list ay aabisuhan ng kanilang status Abril 2025.

Sa oras na ito, ang Housing Authority ng Lungsod ng Alameda (AHA) ay hindi makakapagbigay ng anumang impormasyon sa mga potensyal na epekto ng pag-pause sa Federal Financial Assistance at ang AHA ay hindi makatugon sa mga tawag at/o email sa paksang ito. Magpo-post kami ng mga update sa kapag may karagdagang impormasyon ang AHA na magagamit. Salamat sa iyong pasensya.

Thời gian đăng ký danh sách chờ nhà ở hiện đã kết thúc.   Cơ quan Quản lý Nhà ở Thành phố Alameda sẽ không thể trả lời các cuộc gọi điện thoại hoặc email liên quan đến tình trạng danh sách chờ nhà ở.  Những người đăng ký trong danh sách chờ sẽ được thông báo về tình trạng của họ trước ngày năm 2025.

Tại thời điểm này, Cơ quan Quản lý Nhà ở Thành phố Alameda (AHA) không thể cung cấp bất kỳ thông tin nào về tác động tiềm ẩn của việc tạm dừng Hỗ trợ Tài chính Liên bang và AHA không thể trả lời các cuộc gọi và/hoặc email về chủ đề này. Chúng tôi sẽ đăng thông tin cập nhật tại khi AHA có thêm thông tin. Cảm ơn sự kiên nhẫn của bạn.

住房等候名单申请期现已结束。 阿拉米达市住房管理局将无法回复与住房等候名单状态相关的电话或电子邮件。 等候名单申请人将在 2025 年四月。

目前,阿拉米达市住房管理局 (AHA) 无法提供有关暂停联邦财政援助的潜在影响的任何信息,并且 AHA 无法回复有关此主题的电话和/或电子邮件。当 AHA 获得更多信息时,我们将在 上发布更新。感谢您的耐心等待。