Become A Landlord

How to become an AHA Landlord?
AHA is currently welcoming City of Alameda landlords to participate in its programs.
The Housing Authority of the City of Alameda (AHA) currently works with over 400 City of Alameda landlords via the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program which provides affordable housing to low-income renters. AHA staff understands the goals and demands upon landlords, so AHA works to streamline the landlord application process and ensure rental payments are paid on time.
If you are a landlord and interested in renting units to a Housing Choice Voucher program participant, please contact Iyana Barnes:
Ronaldo Babiera
Assistant Director of Housing Programs
TEL: (510) 747-4331
Benefits of Becoming an AHA Landlord
- Minimize vacancies since AHA increases its payments when the participant experiences a loss or reduction of income.
- Reliable monthly rental income from AHA.
- Lease-Up Bonus for any new Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) unit.
- Use normal lease agreement with tenant, including standard house rules. Simply add AHA addendum.
- Select and screen the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) tenant the same way any other tenant is selected and screened.
- Free Unit Listing Upon Turnover –AHA maintains a listing of available HCV units on our website to help fill vacancies quickly.
- Free Inspections –Trained inspector looks for safety hazards to protect the landlord and tenant, plus the landlord will be alerted to preventative maintenance issues.
- Same security deposit and late fees can be charged as would be charged to other tenants.
- Attentive and dedicated AHA staff available to answer questions and process paperwork.
- Help a low-income family find affordable housing.
- Access to online landlord portal to easily complete administrative tasks and to stay informed.
Common Questions From Prospective AHA Landlords
Who Will You Be Housing?
The Housing Authority’s goal is to provide low-income families with an opportunity to live in safe and affordable homes. While there is no typical Housing Authority participant profile, 64% of AHA tenants have a head of household that is a senior or person with a disability. The remaining households primarily consist of hard-working families who need access to safe housing that is in close proximity to great schools and employment.
How Do AHA Landlords Always Get Paid on Time?
Another benefit of becoming an AHA Landlord is AHA provides regular and on-time rental payments. AHA prides itself on the prompt payments to our landlords. AHA landlords can sign up for automatic payments that are direct deposited into the landlords’ bank account. This convenient process allows for on-time payments each month.
How do I find qualified tenants interested in renting?
Tenants are screened for income eligibility and once certified receive a housing voucher that describes what size unit they qualify for.
How will tenants find me?
Prospective tenants will be directed toward viable units on the available rentals page.