What is a Special HQS inspection?
A special HQS inspection may be scheduled between the routine HQS inspection to review the quality of the unit. The landlord and resident, as well as the AHA or Property management company can call for a special inspection.
What if I don’t fix the resident fail items?
Your Section 8 Housing subsidy is at risk if you do not fix resident fail items in the timeline required. Raquel Ellis: (Independence Plaza, Ann B Diament, LittleJohn Commons) Phone Number: 510-306-8033 Email: rellis@lifestepsusa.org Angel Reyes: (Esperanza, China Clipper, Parrot Village & Gardens, Eagle Village, Everett Commons, Rosefield Village) Phone Number: 510-410-0161 Email: areyes@lifestepsusa.org Trevor…
What happens if my landlord does not fix these items?
If the landlord does not fix the owner-cited deficiencies within the 30-day time period, and an extension has not been granted; then the assisted unit will be abated – AHA will stop paying Housing Assistance to the landlord. Landlords can be in abatement status for up to 60 days, before termination of Housing Assistance Payment…
Who can I call if I have a question about my failed inspection?
You can call 510-690-8290
How long does the landlord have to fix failed items?
Some life-threatening safety items are deemed 24-hour fails and your unit will be respected the next day. Written notice is issued to the adult participant, onsite, on the same day. Additionally, the landlord receives a same-day phone call. Other failed items generally need to be fixed within 30 days, including resident-caused fail items. The unit…
How will a resident and landlord know the inspection results?
You and your landlord will be mailed the results of the inspection.
Does a resident need to be home for the HQS inspection?
An adult must be present for the inspection. You will be given a 4-hour time slot. If this time slot does not work for you, please call 510-690-8290 or email alamedahousing@outsourceitinc.com to rearrange the time.
How will a resident get informed of a Routine HQS inspection?
You will receive a notice in the mail and a reminder call the evening before. Please note it is incumbent on the Section 8 participant to ensure that their contact information is up to date with the Housing Authority.
What are preventative maintenance visits?
Preventative maintenance visits are scheduled annually to review any maintenance needs in the unit. These are preemptive visits, designed to assist residents in passing the annual inspection and to ensure the ongoing quality of the housing. These visits can be rescheduled if the date/time does not work for you. Generally, if the amount of work…
What if a resident can’t make the date or time?
You can request a specific time when you call, and staff will do their best to adhere to that date/ time. Please note if an outside vendor or regulator is inspecting, then there may be less flexibility on date and times, and in some cases those outside inspections are mandatory.