What is a Quality Control HQS inspection?

AHA is required by HUD to conduct quality control inspections on a percentage of recently inspected units. These means in a small number of cases each year; a section 8 tenant will be inspected twice in short succession.

What is a Special HQS inspection?

A special HQS inspection may be scheduled between the routine HQS inspection to review the quality of the unit. The landlord and tenant, as well as the AHA or Property management company can call for a special inspection.

What if I don’t fix the tenant fail items?

Your Section 8 Housing subsidy is at risk if you do not fix tenant fail items in the timeline
required. If you need additional help, please contact LifeSTEPS (see list below)

Raquel Ellis: (Independence Plaza, Ann B Diament, Littlejohn Commons)

Phone Number: 510-306-8033


Angel Reyes: (Esperanza, China Clipper, Parrot Village & Gardens, Eagle Village, Everett

Commons, Rosefield Village)

Phone Number: 510-410-0161


Trevor Jackman (Rosefield Village)

Phone Number: (510) 566-3706


What happens if my landlord does not fix these items?

If landlord does not fix the owner cited deficiencies within the 30-day time period, and an extension has not been granted; then the assisted unit will be abated – AHA will stop paying Housing Assistance to the landlord. Landlords can be in abatement status for up to 60 days, before termination of Housing Assistance Payment Contract (HAPC) is issued due to noncompliance. AHA will issue a 30 Day Notice of HAPC termination to both landlord and participant. At the time of HAPC termination 30 Day notice is issued, you will be given notice to move within 30 days. You will need to contact your assigned Housing Specialist to begin the moving process.

You can also contact the Alameda Rent Program at 510-747-4346 to see if you are eligible for relocation assistance and you can contact Code Enforcement at 510-747-6818

Who can I call if I have a question about my failed inspection?

You can call 510-690-8290

How long does the landlord have to fix fail items?

Some life-threatening safety items are deemed 24 hour fails and your unit will be respected the next day. Written notice is issued to the adult participant, onsite, same day. Additionally, the landlord receives a same day phone call. Other failed items generally need to be fixed within 30 days, including tenant caused fail items. The unit will be inspected after 21 days to assess progress unless items fall within a list of those that the landlord can self-certify.

How will I know the results?

You and your landlord will be mailed the results of the inspection.

Do I need to be home for the HQS inspection?

An adult most be present for the inspection. You will be given a 4-hour time slot. If this time
slot does not work for you, please can call 510-690-8290 or email to rearrange the time

How will I get informed of a Routine HQS inspection?

You will receive a notice in the mail and a reminder call the evening before. Please note it is
incumbent on the Section 8 participant to ensure that their contact information is up to date
with the Housing Authority.

What are preventative maintenance visits?

Preventative maintenance visits are scheduled annually to review any maintenance needs in
the unit. These are preemptive visits, designed to assist tenants in passing the annual
inspection and to ensure the ongoing quality of the housing. These visits can be rescheduled if the date/time does not work for you.

Generally, if the amount of work needed to be done in the unit is minimal, this will be done the same day. If there is a significant amount of work to be done, then maintenance may need additional visits for them or a vendor. All Section 8 funded units and all AHA-owned units are required to pass HQS in order to maintain their subsidy. These inspections are done at move in and least every two years.

What if I can’t make the date or time?

You can request a specific time when you call, and staff will do their best to adhere to that
date/ time. Please note if an outside vendor or regulator is inspecting, then there may be less
flexibility on date and times, and in some cases those outside inspections are mandatory.

Once notice to enter has been issued by property management, do I need to be home?

No, once notice has been issued by Property Management, staff may enter even if you are not home. You can choose to be home, but an adult must be present.

How much notice will I be given?

AHA and FPI Management adhere to State Law and will provide at least 24 hours’ written notice for nonemergency entry. State law and the lease allows for no notice or shorter notice entry for emergencies. However, annual/biennial Inspections are scheduled at least 30-days in advance.

How often are inspections conducted?

Each unit is inspected by Property Management at least once a year. More frequent inspections may also be required by lenders, investors, regulators, for tenants who are on Section 8 or if a tenant has a property issues such as hoarding, pest control, or has requested a Reasonable Accommodation for additional bedroom or equipment.

How can I track my work order?

Each work order is given a unique identifier. You may request that unique identifier from the staff. Work orders can also be tracked by last name or address.

How will I know when my work order is complete?

If you are not home, Maintenance will leave a tag in your home noting when they entered.

Can I leave someone else to let in maintenance?

Yes, as long as they are clearly over the age of 18.

What if I have an animal?

Please secure your animals prior to maintenance entering.

Do I need to be home when maintenance come to the unit?

You do not need to be home. You will be asked if you give permission to enter verbally when you request maintenance. If you do not give permission, you or another adult must be home.

I want to know about new housing developments being built by the Housing Authority of the City of Alameda. Where do I get this information?

Visit AHA’s housing development page to see all existing and future development opportunities from the AHA. You may also visit the City’s website to see if the City of Alameda has posted any information on future development.

I already provide my income information to AHA, why do I need to do recertification for property management as well?

The Section 8 program is a separate program run by the Housing Authority of the City of Alameda and the information provided stays with that program. All of the properties owned/managed by AHA have other funding requirements that require a separate certification to be done by property management. We appreciate your help in completing all of the required paperwork in a timely manner.

Can I call pest control directly to treat my unit?

No, you must call your property manager to have your unit inspected. In many cases service may be covered by property; however, in the cases of severe neglect and inhabitability residents may be responsible for the cost of treatment. TIP: It is always best to report a problem as soon as it is noticed, rather than hoping it will go away.

Can I have a satellite TV?

Yes, with landlord approval. Satellite dishes may not be mounted to any building or structure and must remain on the patio to the unit in which you are assigned.

Can I park my car in my parking spot, even if it isn’t registered or not currently running?

No, all vehicles must be properly registered to a leaseholder in the household and in working order. Vehicles that appear to be abandoned will be tagged and towed if not moved or registered by the time the notice expires.

I need to get rid of large furniture, can I take it down to the dumpster for trash pick-up?

No, trash service covers general everyday waste and does not cover large items. If you need help disposing of large items such as furniture or appliances please contact your property manager or LifeSTEPS for resources. If it is discovered that you did put large items in the trash area, you may be charged back the cost of the service to remove those items.

What utilities are covered by my rent?

This varies by property. Please refer to your signed lease agreement.

What if I want to add/remove someone to my household?

Tenants must obtain prior approval from the Landlord to add/remove any members to the household, including live-in aides, and further agree not to allow any additional members of the household to move in without Landlord’s approval. If you receive a Section 8 Housing subsidy you must also contact your Housing Specialist.

What if I have a guest coming to stay in my home? Do I have to notify property management?

Yes, guests visiting for more than fourteen (14) consecutive days in any one-year period is prohibited without Landlord’s written consent.

I want to move from my unit. What is the process?

If you are a participant of the AHA’s subsidy, you need to inform your caseworker. The caseworker will provide you with the paperwork to start the process You must give 30 day written notice to our landlord. If you are a resident not assisted under the AHA’s programs, you may contact the Alameda Rent Program for information regarding resident rights within the City of Alameda by e-mail at or by phone at 510-865-4028. Please note that voluntary move-outs are not regulated by the Rent Ordinance.

What is a Quality Control HQS inspection?

AHA is required by HUD to conduct quality control inspections on a percentage of recently inspected units. This means in a small number of cases each year; a section 8 resident will be inspected twice in short succession.

What is a Special HQS inspection?

A special HQS inspection may be scheduled between the routine HQS inspection to review the quality of the unit. The landlord and resident, as well as the AHA or Property management company can call for a special inspection.

What if I don’t fix the resident fail items?

Your Section 8 Housing subsidy is at risk if you do not fix resident fail items in the timeline required.

Raquel Ellis: (Independence Plaza, Ann B Diament, LittleJohn Commons)

Phone Number: 510-306-8033


Angel Reyes: (Esperanza, China Clipper, Parrot Village & Gardens, Eagle Village, Everett

Commons, Rosefield Village)

Phone Number: 510-410-0161


Trevor Jackman (Rosefield Village)

Phone Number: (510) 566-3706


What happens if my landlord does not fix these items?

If the landlord does not fix the owner-cited deficiencies within the 30-day time period, and an extension has not been granted; then the assisted unit will be abated – AHA will stop paying Housing Assistance to the landlord. Landlords can be in abatement status for up to 60 days, before termination of Housing Assistance Payment Contract (HAPC) is issued due to non-compliance. AHA will issue a 30 Day Notice of HAPC termination to both landlord and participant.
At the time of HAPC termination, 30 Day notice is issued, and you will be given the notice to move within 30 days. You will need to contact your assigned Housing Specialist to begin the moving process. You can also contact the Alameda Rent Program at 510-865-4028 to see if you are eligible for relocation assistance and you can contact Code Enforcement at 510-747-6818.

Who can I call if I have a question about my failed inspection?

You can call 510-690-8290

How long does the landlord have to fix failed items?

Some life-threatening safety items are deemed 24-hour fails and your unit will be respected the next day. Written notice is issued to the adult participant, onsite, on the same day. Additionally, the landlord receives a same-day phone call. Other failed items generally need to be fixed within 30 days, including resident-caused fail items. The unit will be inspected after 21 days to assess progress unless items fall within a list of those that the landlord can self-certify.

How will a resident and landlord know the inspection results?

You and your landlord will be mailed the results of the inspection.

Does a resident need to be home for the HQS inspection?

An adult must be present for the inspection. You will be given a 4-hour time slot. If this time slot does not work for you, please call 510-690-8290 or email to rearrange the time.

How will a resident get informed of a Routine HQS inspection?

You will receive a notice in the mail and a reminder call the evening before. Please note it is incumbent on the Section 8 participant to ensure that their contact information is up to date with the Housing Authority.

What are preventative maintenance visits?

Preventative maintenance visits are scheduled annually to review any maintenance needs in the unit. These are preemptive visits, designed to assist residents in passing the annual inspection and to ensure the ongoing quality of the housing. These visits can be rescheduled if the date/time does not work for you. Generally, if the amount of work needed to be done in the unit is minimal, this will be done the same day. If there is a significant amount of work to be done, then maintenance may need additional visits for them or a vendor. All Section 8 funded units and all AHA-owned units are required to pass HQS in order to maintain their subsidy. These inspections are done at move-in and at least every two years.

What if a resident can’t make the date or time?

You can request a specific time when you call, and staff will do their best to adhere to that date/ time. Please note if an outside vendor or regulator is inspecting, then there may be less flexibility on date and times, and in some cases those outside inspections are mandatory.

Once notice to enter has been issued by property management, does a resident need to be home?

No, once notice has been issued by Property Management, staff may enter even if you are not home. You can choose to be home, but an adult must be present.

How much notice will a resident be given prior to an inspection?

AHA and FPI Management adhere to State Law and will provide at least 24 hours’ written notice for non-emergency entry. State law and the lease allows for no notice or shorter notice entry for emergencies. However, annual/biennial Inspections are scheduled at least 30-days in advance.

How often are inspections conducted?

Each unit is inspected by Property Management at least once a year. More frequent inspections may also be required by lenders, investors, and regulators, for residents who are on Section 8 or if a resident has a property issue such as hoarding, pest control, or has requested a Reasonable Accommodation for additional bedroom or equipment.

How can a resident track my work order?

Each work order is given a unique identifier. You may request that unique identifier from the staff. Work orders can also be tracked by last name or address.

What should a resident do if they are not satisfied with the work?

Please call or email the property manager for your community, then contact AHA so staff can troubleshoot. You can also file a complaint at

How does a resident know when my work order is complete?

If you are not home, Maintenance will leave a tag in your home noting when they entered.

Can someone other than the resident let someone else let in maintenance?

Yes, as long as they are over the age of 18.

What if a resident has an animal and needs to conduct an inspection?

Please secure your animals prior to maintenance entering.

Does a resident need to be home when maintenance comes to the unit?

You do not need to be home. You will be asked if you give permission to enter verbally when you request maintenance. If you do not give permission, you or another adult must be home.

How do residents request maintenance?

Residents of AHA properties can request maintenance via phone, email, or by visiting with their site manager during office hours.

How do I know which AHA properties are vacant?

To view, all current and available rental unit listings from City of Alameda property owners, please visit this link. 

Where are AHA properties?

For a complete listing of AHA properties, please click here to visit our property listings.

I am a resident and my unit has damages, what do I do?

If you are a resident that does not participate in the programs offered by AHA, you should contact either legal counsel provided by AHA’s Ombudsman (free legal services listing).  Participants of AHA’s programs with health and safety issues may ask for a special inspection by calling (510) 690-8290 or via email at Any damages noted on the inspection’s checklist will need to be addressed by the responsible party. Feel free to review the City’s Code Enforcement department, via this webpage:


The housing wait list application period is now closed.   The Housing Authority of the City of Alameda will not be able to return phone calls or emails related to housing wait list status.  Wait list applicants will be notified of their status no earlier than April 2025.

At this time, the Housing Authority of the City of Alameda (AHA) cannot provide any information on the potential impacts of the pause in Federal Financial Assistance and AHA is unable respond to calls and/or emails on this topic. We will post updates at when AHA has more information available. Thank you for your patience.

El período de solicitud de lista de espera de vivienda ya está cerrado.   La Autoridad de Vivienda de la Ciudad de Alameda no podrá devolver llamadas telefónicas ni correos electrónicos relacionados con el estado de la lista de espera de vivienda.  Los solicitantes en la lista de espera serán notificados de su estado despues antes de April de 2025.

En este momento, la Autoridad de Vivienda de la Ciudad de Alameda (AHA) no puede proporcionar ninguna información sobre los posibles impactos de la pausa en la Asistencia Financiera Federal y la AHA no puede responder a llamadas y/o correos electrónicos sobre este tema. Publicaremos actualizaciones en cuando la AHA tenga más información disponible. Gracias por tu paciencia.

Ang panahon ng aplikasyon sa listahan ng paghihintay sa pabahay ay sarado na ngayon.   Ang Housing Authority ng Lungsod ng Alameda ay hindi makakapagbalik ng mga tawag sa telepono o mga email na may kaugnayan sa status ng waiting list ng pabahay.  Ang mga aplikante sa wait list ay aabisuhan ng kanilang status Abril 2025.

Sa oras na ito, ang Housing Authority ng Lungsod ng Alameda (AHA) ay hindi makakapagbigay ng anumang impormasyon sa mga potensyal na epekto ng pag-pause sa Federal Financial Assistance at ang AHA ay hindi makatugon sa mga tawag at/o email sa paksang ito. Magpo-post kami ng mga update sa kapag may karagdagang impormasyon ang AHA na magagamit. Salamat sa iyong pasensya.

Thời gian đăng ký danh sách chờ nhà ở hiện đã kết thúc.   Cơ quan Quản lý Nhà ở Thành phố Alameda sẽ không thể trả lời các cuộc gọi điện thoại hoặc email liên quan đến tình trạng danh sách chờ nhà ở.  Những người đăng ký trong danh sách chờ sẽ được thông báo về tình trạng của họ trước ngày năm 2025.

Tại thời điểm này, Cơ quan Quản lý Nhà ở Thành phố Alameda (AHA) không thể cung cấp bất kỳ thông tin nào về tác động tiềm ẩn của việc tạm dừng Hỗ trợ Tài chính Liên bang và AHA không thể trả lời các cuộc gọi và/hoặc email về chủ đề này. Chúng tôi sẽ đăng thông tin cập nhật tại khi AHA có thêm thông tin. Cảm ơn sự kiên nhẫn của bạn.

住房等候名单申请期现已结束。 阿拉米达市住房管理局将无法回复与住房等候名单状态相关的电话或电子邮件。 等候名单申请人将在 2025 年四月。

目前,阿拉米达市住房管理局 (AHA) 无法提供有关暂停联邦财政援助的潜在影响的任何信息,并且 AHA 无法回复有关此主题的电话和/或电子邮件。当 AHA 获得更多信息时,我们将在 上发布更新。感谢您的耐心等待。