Housing Choice Voucher Waitlist Applicants

The great demand for affordable housing is overwhelming in the City of Alameda, so individuals seeking affordable housing may only apply for the housing assistance programs (such as the Housing Choice Voucher program), when a wait list is open at the Housing Authority of the City of Alameda (AHA).
All housing wait lists at AHA are currently closed. An applicant does not need to reside or work in the City of Alameda in order to apply to a housing wait list. AHA provides housing programs only in the City of Alameda.
To be added to our newsletter for future AHA notifications (housing wait list announcements, etc.) click the button below.
If you are interested in applying for a unit owned or managed by AHA, please visit our Current Communities page:
If you are interested in viewing available affordable housing rentals in the City of Alameda, please visit our Available Rentals page:
Housing Wait List Applicants already on AHA’s Housing Choice Voucher Wait List(s)
Wait list applicants who are already on an AHA wait list must inform the Housing Authority of the City of Alameda immediately if personal information has changed. Changes can be reported at any time through the Tenant Portal. A request to update the contact information of the applicant such as e-mail, phone number, or address can be submitted through the portal at any time. Changes in family composition or income will be periodically requested through an email for an update or upon the household being selected for an eligibility determination. Please check your email regularly.
See the Administrative Plan on restrictions to changes in family composition. If AHA is unable to contact an applicant, or the applicant fails to respond to outreach either by e-mail or mail by the AHA, the applicant’s name may be removed from the wait list. So housing wait list applicants need to keep information updated. A wait list applicant’s information can be updated at any time via the button below.
For instructions on how to update wait list applicant information, please click button below: