Alameda Affordable Housing Corporation
What is the Alameda Affordable Housing Corporation?
The Alameda Affordable Housing Corporation (AAHC) is a nonprofit public benefit corporation affiliated with the Housing Authority of the City of Alameda(AHA). The corporation was created in 2017 to own and operate affordable properties developed by AHA, its affiliates or partners, or operating properties purchased directly. Specifically, AAHC owns and operates, through third party management, the portfolio of the Housing Authority. As such, AAHC is tasked with the financial, regulatory, and physical upkeep of properties, and the security and well-being of residents through investment, maintenance, and supportive services.
In July of 2021, the Affordable Housing Corporation, with the partnership of the Housing Authority of the City of Alameda, passed and approved resolution 2021-05, establishing and funding the Alameda Affordable Housing Trust Fund (AAHTF). A local Housing Trust Fund (HTF) is a program that secures new funding sources to build affordable housing developments throughout the City of Alameda.
AAHC Important Documents
AAHC Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is the governing body of AAHC. The current members of AHA’s Board of Commissioners serve as the sole members of the Board of Directors for the Alameda Affordable Housing Corporation. The term of each AAHC Director runs concurrently with their term as an AHA Commissioner. AHA’s Executive Director is the Board Secretary and the AHA’s Finance Director is the Board Treasurer.
AAHC Board Meeting Information
The regular board meetings are held twice a year, typically in June and November. Most AAHC Board meetings are co-scheduled with the AHA Board of Commissioner meeting times. The agenda for AAHC meetings will be posted a minimum of 72 hours in advance.
Click below for AAHC’s Board Meeting information
Agendas for special meetings may be posted 24 hour in advance. For further information related to the Alameda Affordable Housing Corporation, please contact Jasmine Polar, Executive Assistant:
AAHC Board Meeting Archive & Minutes
Archived Board Meeting documents will be shown starting from 2017 Requests for documents not listed in the archive must be in made in writing to Jasmine Polar:

Alameda Affordable Housing Trust Fund
In July of 2021, the Affordable Housing Corporation, with the partnership of the Housing Authority of the City of Alameda, passed and approved resolution 2021-05 establishing and funding the Alameda Affordable Housing Trust Fund (AAHTF). A local Housing Trust Fund (HTF) is a program that secures new funding sources to build affordable housing developments throughout the City of Alameda.